Bilingual In-Home Assistant Services and the state understand the importance of keeping seniors in their home, near family and family settings, for their health and well-being. In-Home care services are an alternate and preferred choice versus an assisted living or nursing home.
We offer the essential home cleaning services that includes bathroom and bedroom mopping, dusting, laundry, folding and ironing clothes, errands and grocery shopping – all are aimed at assisting our seniors in the needs they face every day-to-day.
If your loved one needs assistance with their meal preparation and feeding, personal care in washing and showering, help with dressing and reminders of daily tasks, our expert aides will happily provide the care your loved one needs to continue living in the community.
Consumer Directed Services (CDS) is a Medicaid based program assuring attendant services to individuals with disabilities, enabling independent living. CDS participants are trained to hire their own attendants and direct them to appropriate personal or home tasks.
Everyone needs a break. Respite care provides caregivers a temporary rest from care-giving, while their loved one continues to receive care in a safe environment. In – home respite is generally provided to individuals unable to care for themselves and during the times of diminished cognitive or physical ability. Basic, advanced, and nurse – provided respite is available to participants with varying needs.
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services mandates nursing care be available and leads an In-Home Quality Campaign to ensure professional RN services. Leaders in quality and accessibility, our nurses set up medications, call in prescriptions, direct care plan with your doctor, assist in medication set up, check BMI and ensure continued success of the program through visits to consumer homes.
Advanced Personal Care (APC) services are maintenance services provided to a recipient in the individual’s home to assist with activities of daily living when this assistance requires devices and procedures related to altered body functions. APC services must be reasonable according to the condition and functional capacity of the participant. Advanced care providers must complete additional training and evaluation.